- info@mazaopesa.com
- +254112657251
Mazaopesa Agribiz E-library offers a digital platform and app for agribusiness and entrepreneurship education, covering modules and topics across value chains, innovations and technologies.
Our mission is to be the leading agribusiness knowledge content development and dissemination platform that provides cutting edge knowledge, technologies and innovations that create a community of successful agribusiness.
As a global Agribusiness hub, subscriber members have access to well-researched content that disseminates agricultural knowledge and skills. Our E-libraries are comprehensive and offer current information on crop and livestock agriculture, from soil fertility to marketing; ideal for aspiring agribusiness and agripreneurs.
When ready this will be a comprehensive one-stop shop for Agribusiness related services and products.
A frequent coming together of farmers/agripenuers to share agricultural knowledge guided by our panel of experts.
Agribusiness consultancy services you can trust. All our services are tailor-made and developed with our customers to best meet their expectations.
Thomas Jefferson
Mazaopesa is an Agribusiness Group that integrates digital Agribiz E-libraries, Agribiz directory, farmer learning platforms, and agribusiness and value chains consulting.